How Seasons Affect Insects

Do you know where insects go during the winter to keep warm? You may also be wondering why you get more ants in your home in the winter? Well the weather affects insects differently all year round. 

Temperature and moisture are the biggest factors that affect insects. Most insects do hide away during the winter, however if the temperature goes back and forth between freezing and thawing then this could result in the insects coming out earlier. 

Ants and insects will come into your home at any season, but at certain times the activity could increase.


Winter months is a time of hibernation and survival for pests. The pests don’t like the cold weather and have a hard time surviving if it gets too cold. The cold weather forces pests to find their own shelters and homes. Some pests will look for shelter outdoors, while others will look for shelter indoors. To keep pests out of your home during the winter you need to prepare during the fall. 


With the weather warming, pests are starting to come out of their warm shelters. The spring rain will flood the ants homes and force them to look for new ground higher up. Spring is the time that most insects are awakening and mating. Spring is also the beginning of swarming season for termites. A lot of pests will start to move outdoors during the spring in search of mates. 


During the summer while you are having your backyard parties with everyone, the pests are looking to join in on the fun. However, that is probably not your idea of fun. During the summer months the insects are out more because of the hotter weather. Bees, wasps, and other stinging insects are more active during the summer because of the moisture from the spring months. 


Fall is a time of preparation for a lot of pests to get ready for the cold winter months coming up. There are a couple common fall bugs that are looking to invade your home during the fall months. Some of these fall bugs include ladybugs, box elders, and spiders. During fall months it is the best time to prepare your home from all the pests looking to come inside for the winter months. 

Rainy Weather

The more it rains during the spring and summer, the more ants you will find in your home. When it rains a lot, the rain will flood the ants homes and then they will come looking for a dry place to live, like your home. Most of the time they will come in an army of ants to find a new home.

Dry Weather

If there is a drought or a long dry period the ants will also come into your home. Most of the time however they aren’t looking for a place to live. The dry weather messes up their food supply and they are in need of finding a new source of food. They might even move their homes closer to yours so that they have faster and easier access to your food. However, you probably won’t see as many ants as you would during rainy weather. 

Getting Ready

Don’t chance the fact that during the winter pests won’t come into your homes. Ongoing yearly pest control services will keep them out. Keep your food stored in airtight containers and keep your kitchen clean of all crumbs, even the ones you can’t see. Call Morgan Pest Control to start pest control service at your home. 

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